Koala Species

Endangered Species

Koalas are a national symbol of Australia’s unique wildlife. It was listed last February 2022 as “ENDANGERED” in QLD, NSW and ACT under the EPBC Act. It has listed across most of its east coast after a dramatic decline in numbers.

Human beings are the greatest threat to the survival of endangered species with poaching habitat destruction and the effects of climate change causing a lot of the problems.

wildlife crossing structures

Wildlife Crossings

Log Culvert Crossings

Log Culvert Crossings are a type of wildlife crossings installed under the culvert. It was designed for small animals such as koalas, goannas, and possums. These log culvert crossings were built using logs as a bridge. It has also enough height for small animals to cross without being wet.

Culverts are typically square, rectangular, or half-circle in shape. It may be purpose-built for fauna passage or water drainage, or a combination of both. They are generally pre-cast concrete cells or arches made of steel. By definition, culverts were initially used to carry water. However, culverts are becoming popular as fauna crossings to assist our fauna species from crossing highways and roads. They are also known as underpasses.

In Australia, various fauna species have been recorded utilizing culverts for movement. Research has been undertaken into identifying the attributes of fauna culverts and how we can make them favorable to different fauna species. ‘Furniture’ has been installed in standard culverts to enhance their function as fauna passages.

Culverts or dedicated fauna tunnels are often used and broader to cater to a greater variety of fauna species. The use of ‘furniture such as rocks, logs, ropes, and ledges and appropriate planting at entrances have been shown to facilitate the movement of some species.

“We specialize in log fauna culvert crossings which appear to be a very suitable fauna crossing for Koalas and various other species”

Fauna Crossings Australia

Manufactured Installed this world first Koala Crossing bridge.

Wildlife crossings are a habitat conservation method that allows habitats to join or reconnect, reducing habitat fragmentation.

This unique first of a kind koala bridge spans over 27 metres in length and was built right here on the Gold Coast.

We used locally sourced materials such as ironbark short leaf to create a crossing that replicated a koalas natural habitat.

Koala Log Bridge took just over a month to manufacture and is truly a world first.

koalas natural Crossing
Boundary Rd koala crossing

Bridge Crossings

Koala Log Bridge

Koala Bridges have been designed for the protection of Koalas and to keep them off the road.

We had the pleasure of recently working with a Local Civil Contractor to manufacture and install the World First “Koala Crossing Log Bridge” for the Brisbane City Council.

This specific bridge design includes an overhead log bridge and fauna fencing allowing koalas to safely cross between habitat areas. However, we believe possums & gliders will also benefit from the new design.

Previously there was no safe way for koalas to cross roads.

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